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Health Portal 
The Health Portal

Our Health Portal is an entry program which will in most people will solve problems too long overlooked by most health professionals.  technology.  

Portal uses no drugs and no talk therapy.  From our perspective, and that of most people, getting over major issues quickly and as inexpensively as possible is the best possible approach.  

We think you will agree.  

Our four programs include eating more nutritious food, perhaps by changing your diet but definitely by adding simple microminerals and other non-prescriptionsupplements,  an exercise program to help you optimize your fitness, neurofeedback, using NeurOptimal technology, to allow your brain to retrain itself, eliminating the trauma which causes the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and finally, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).  

The physician who first identified the power of oxygen therapy for healing is Dr. Paul G. Harch.  His website is HERE and as you read it you realize how under-utilized these basically simple interventions are for improving the well being of millions.  Read the list of conditions HBOT can be used to treat.   HBOT machines are costly but they last for a long time and economically it makes sense to use HBOT either by itself or in conjunction with other conditions because it is proven to heal so many problems.   

This does not mean there are not other problems, there are.  We are prepared to help you if those less common problems are impacting your health, too.  But these are the ones we are handling first.  We see it as our job to keep you healthy because when you pay via PAYE we make less when you are unwell.  Pause to think about that for a moment.   

Caring, our magazine delivered to you via email or post, is easy to read, entertaining, and covers all issues related to health and beauty and longevity.  This is because all of these are what we want to make available to you.  

Our basic plan is doing well because you are doing well.  Your health are essential to your doing well, so we want to take care of that immediately.  

Our Health Portal is an entry program which will in most people will solve problems too long overlooked by most health professionals. technologyPortal uses no drugs and no talk therapy. From our perspective, and that of most people, getting over major issues quickly and as inexpensively as possible is the best possible approach.  

We think you will agree.